A Vatican-hosted conference of 300 young people has acknowledged that some in their generation want the Church to change its teachings on “polemical issues” such as same-sex marriage and contraception.
Easter Vigil begin with a recognition of Creation in the lighting of the fire, the Easter Proclamation and the reading from Genesis. “The study of the universe is an act of worship,” says the director of the Vatican Observatory, Jesuit Br Guy Consolmagno. (Click title for entire story.)
Chocolate can be a wonderful part of Easter. But what can we do when we hear that most of the production is connected to child slave labor? Buying slavery-free chocolate at Easter gives people the opportunity to take a stand against human trafficking and slavery. To purchase slavery-free chocolate, look for one of three labels – FAIRTRADE, Rainforest Alliance or UTZ certified. These labels show that the cocoa beans used in the chocolate’s production have been sourced ethically, from farmers who engage in good labour practices. Read further at
and click title for ethical chocolate companies.
Pope Francis has signed a decree recognizing the second miracles needed for Blesseds Paul VI and Oscar Romero to become saints, clearing the way for their canonisations. (Click title for entire story.)